Thursday, April 7, 2011

A peek into Snap.


Was an amazing night at work tonight! amazing I mean we didn't work too hard and I didn't seriously offend anyone. It was still work and it was, well. work. I love my co-workers and the customers were kinda cool tonight too.

I thought a lot about coming home to write in my new blog tonight when I got off work, but instead I went to facebook and posted this video:

I'm still a bit clunky around blogs, and I'm well familiar with html and posting links and stuff, but at the moment I am feeling lazy so here's a big string of random parameters that may or may not lead to something useful - you can click on it if you're so inclined.

I like blogging, as it's often hard for me to post a "quick little snippet of my life," without expounding on every angle and detail of why I think thoughts I think, or why I didn't think what you may have thought I thought, or why I thought I thought what I thought at the time, but turns out I later thought my thoughts may have been wrong, etc. - which makes facebook ridiculously hard to use, as I have to cut and edit everything I want to say until it becomes, "I like cheese, so I bought some; instant message me for details."

Here it's like I can really PUNISH you with every insane little thing that comes into my wobbly mickle brain. There's a lot of stuff going on in there. Once you get used to my writing style, you'll notice I pose a lot of completely valid questions, not as an avenue to vent "my perfect answer," but more a way of stimulating you, the reader, into trying to see things my way and wonder why I posed the questions I did. I don't expect it to make you smarter, or make you understand the universe better, or anything like that. I do, however, expect you to at least appreciate from reading this why my mind gets to use the carpool lane. I have PASSENGERS. You may be one of them.

I hope you've read this far and not learned a single thing. I have nothing to teach and BEG of you to walk away with nothing from this. It is an anti-adventure. The voices I hear do not bear repeating.

with that said, thanks for your kind pity and empathy, and walk proudly knowing that you're not THIS GUY.

kloveyabye! I'm gonna turn the lights up and examine my vagina in a hand-mirror.


1 comment:

  1. Was the mirror one of those that has a magnifying side? Even if it wasn't, please burn it. ASAP!
