Friday, April 8, 2011

It's late and I may wax philosophical.

[EDIT: I dressed it up with some videos.]

Where is this universe going? What's the big hurry? You know we're hurtling through space at thousands of miles a second and aren't even conscious of it most of the time? We're zooming around the center of the earth at about Mach 1.4 (I just made a sonic boom right here in my chair) and that's just our mantle orbiting around our core. Then there is the earth moving around the sun - that is 66.6 thousand miles per hour. Then the sun orbits around the center of our galaxy about every 250 million years, at a measly 447,000 miles per hour. Then, to complicate matters, the Milky Way and Andromeda galaxies are approaching each other at about 250 miles a second, roughly 900,000 mph. And! the whole shebang is hurtling through unknown space at incomprehensible speeds that we have no way of even measuring. I just hope you've all buckled your seatbelts.

How about those oceans? Deep huh? Not really, not when you think of it sloshing around at mach 1.4, simultaneously being hurtled through space at who knows what speed. It's the tiniest drop in the most thimble like bucket. In any case, it makes me feel about as small as I ever have. There are thousands of life forms we haven't even seen because we can't go that deep. Still, it's not limitless, like space; once you hit bottom, that's it. So there may be some new glowing blind vaguely fish-like anomaly on the floor of the ocean at it's deepest point, but it's not really THAT interesting, because who knows what the fuck is out in space. And why would glowing be important if you're blind? Some things about this planet I just don't get.

And then there is this whole micro-cosmos. As we zoom in closer and closer to things, we get more and more detail. It brings to mind an old comic book I read, where some shrinking hero shrunk down below the atom and saw that there were planets, beings, life, and power-hungry assholes in the micro-verse, just like everywhere else. Imagine that. Maybe we're just floating around in some soon to be rapidly accelerated macro-organism in some unseen colossal order from Taco Bell. Finally! We have a purpose!

There goes another sonic boom.

On that note, good night, see you tomorrow, if the hamster is running on the wheel of your mind at over 1,000,000 mph, that's not my fault. Blame the universe.



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