Tuesday, April 5, 2011

I've started a blog!

Why? Due to popular demand (one guy said, "hey, you should start a blog")

When? Now, I guess... It's either this or chain-smoke and complain about the world to an empty room.

Where? In my room. Naked. With a blow-torch and 12 pennies. Let's see where this goes.

Why? Really? Again? I told you why, cause you NEED this.

I suppose I should tell you what I did today. I made a bunch of burgers for a bunch of friends, compatriots and well wishers. I had help. Scott and Charlie are my willing minions in my plan to upset every person who comes in and orders, either by asking them to stop staring at me, cause this ain't the zoo, and I ain't no monkey; or by simply refusing to make them first because they demand it. One guy got especially upset about this today, and walked out, and I sold his burger to the next guy that ordered. I guess we did ok.

Yesterday I helped my friend get his Tiger Woods PGA Tour character up to snuff. Now he is unbeatable, unless he plays me. And he has a nice power tie and has upgraded his haberdasherie.

I also like to make art and games. The art hasn't been touched for a while, but it could still happen! I guess the games haven't either, but that's ok, I've got a good 40-50 years left to finish all this stuff.

I turned 40 last year. that was fun. Let's not do THAT again.

I'm spent, and beer beckons. Until that fateful day when I write what I'm REALLY feeling, stay tuned, and hope I can hold back long enough to stave off the inevitable alienation and deciet you will all feel when I expose my TRUE mind.

Spellcheck (meh, good enough!) and post, and I can say I did something productive today beyond feeding the masses, walking on water, and doing good deeds in an other, less literal sense. They were deeds, and I felt good.

Keep on keepin' on, and tune in tomorrow, so I can regale you with awesome stories of lives saved, heroic efforts, anti-draconian measures, demons felled, and other completely fictional aspects of my life.

kloveyabye! fo'twenty fo'eva!


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